Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Where to go next

Today I thought I would write about something slightly different. My last few posts have been beauty related, and although I love talking about different products, I think it is sometimes good to write down your thoughts and feelings, (which I wanted to do) instead of bottling them up, And I also want my blog to be a place where I can write about anything I feel like. I used to write things down on pieces of paper as a young child, and although I wasn't going to let anyone see them, I felt that just by writing them down, a small weight was lifted from my shoulders.
Like a lot of people my age, I have found myself stuck with what to do next. Having just completed my A-Levels I have so many things to decide on. I already knew that i didn't want to venture off to university like a lot of people I know, mainly because I have no idea what I would study. So i'm here trying to figure out my next step, whilst everyone around me seems to already know theirs.
Not so long ago i was so excited to leave college, as everyone says (the world is your oyster), and I was really looking forward to exploring the world, and just living life. However, just recently i have lost all enthusiasm. Getting a job, work experience, or an apprenticeship has proved difficult, and i feel completely lost with where to go next. The reason I wanted to write this post, was not only to try and get rid of some of the stress of working out what to do, but also to try and help some of the few people reading this that might be in the same position as i am. I think one thing that can often make people feel better, is for them to know that they are not the only one in that position, and other people feel the same way.
I have realised that there is so much more to life than finding a job that makes you 'rich'. I know that a lot of people's biggest goals are to become millionaires, but what would be the point in wasting a lot of your life constantly working to earn money that you don't have time to spend. I'm not saying that being 'well off' is a bad thing, but I would much rather spend my time being happy in a low payed job (that is enough to live off), than spending all my time being stressed and angry, with a lot of money. I decided that instead of looking at what jobs are best payed, and trying to go down that route, I would look at things I enjoy and go from there. I also decided to create a list of things I would love to do in my life time, because I don't want to be a person that looks back with regrets and says 'what if'.
I guess what I am trying to say is that life is so much more than big houses and nice cars, so don't worry if like me you're stuck for what to do now, because you'll realise what makes you happy, and that's what you should strive to be. For now though, live in the moment, and be thankful for what you have. Every situation teaches you something, like this one has for me, and I have learnt to focus on doing things I love to make me happy, rather than wasting time working out how to become 'successful'.
Happiness is success.

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